Introducing cardigans for office staff to your uniform is a brilliant way of office workers gaining the benefits of a uniform. You may wonder why this is the case, read on to find out.

How Can Cardigans Help Brand Promotion

From brand promotion to tax benefits for staff, there are many advantages to company issued uniform clothing for everybody involved.

Uniform clothing for office staff is less used than traditional dress code. This means the office clothing you see in and around the office is often non-branded, missing out on the potential benefits to your business of company branded business clothing.

Whilst branded office wear is common in certain industries (such as finance, banking, and sales), it is not as common in most office roles. Because of this, uniform branded cardigans for office staff are a sensible starting point.

Why Staff are More Welcoming to Wearing Cardigans

Many office workers have never worn branded uniform. It is likely to be a shock if you give your staff a complete office uniform. This can create problems implementing a uniform policy, leading to disgruntled staff, which can impact both morale and productivity. 

Workwear cardigans for office staff are a happy medium between individuals wearing their own clothing and the company creating a new uniform policy.

Office staff are more receptive to workwear cardigans because they are like their own clothing. They are also perfect to pair with non-workwear office clothes.

Cardigans for office staff are not the same as issuing staff with a branded fleece or waterproof jacket. It fits the context of the office.

With the range of styles, colours, and fabrics available to choose from, you can even offer staff a choice in which they will wear. This still creates the branded uniform appearance you desire but offers staff choice.

Can they be Used to Create a Uniform Look?

Cardigans are a versatile clothing piece. We can wear them as part of a smart or casual office outfit and suit all body shapes.

They are a popular clothing item, and they allow you to tap into this versatility.

A uniform appearance differs from an office uniform. Instead of giving your staff an outfit to wear every day, instead you allow them to choose from a range of uniform items. Let your staff team them with their own clothing to soften the blow of a new uniform policy..

Allowing your staff to choose their own clothing is a great way to compromise and your business can gain all the benefits that a uniform brings. Benefits such as team unity, professional appearance, consistency, brand exposure, and accountability. It also lets your staff have creative freedom in how they dress for work.

You Can Use Other Clothing Items

Choose brand coloured cardigans or a colour that enhances your embroidered branding when used alongside other branded items.

These other items can be worn by the same employee who is wearing the cardigan or they can be seen on other employees at the same time.

For example, your staff are wearing a branded company cardigan that compliments a coloured blouse or shirt from their own wardrobe defined by your dress code. They can use a company tie or scarf or instead wear a company shirt or blouse.

A uniform appearance works with a dress code by issuing a branded cardigan across the workforce and giving staff the freedom to pick items and match them with their own clothing too.

Within reason, of course.

A good way of creating this scenario is:

  • To provide staff with branded uniform options to choose from: cardigans, shirts and blouses, jumpers, ties and cravats etc.
  • Issue guidelines on what colours they can wear to the office, advising on how to avoid colour clashes, which could harm your brand appearance.
  • Inform staff that a minimum of one branded uniform item must be worn to work. 

The result is an on-brand appearance in the office without everyone looking the same.

Some Garments Suit Embroidery Better than Print

Be aware when creating a uniform that different items of clothing will suit different branding techniques. The branding style of your business will also affect whether you want to use embroidery or print techniques.


Having cardigans that are branded with the company’s logo promotes the business. Your staff are more welcoming to cardigans rather than a full uniform. This item of clothing is versatile and can create unity with your members of staff. It is important that you allow your staff to still wear their own clothing.