Some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Amazon and McDonald’s, all have a branded uniform which makes them recognisable. If you want the public to recognise your company, ditch the plain clothing or dress code for branded uniforms and stay ahead of the competition. 

By developing a well-designed, bespoke branded uniform or utilitarian custom workwear for your employees, your company will benefit from happy staff and loyal customers. As long as the branded clothing reflects your company in a confident and trustworthy way, it can be the crucial difference you need to stand out for all of the right reasons. Here are 5 ways you are missing out if branded uniform has not been prioritised:

  1. Free Promotion
  2. Unity
  3. Save Time and Money
  4. Brand Reputation
  5. Company Identification

These factors you are losing out on can have a negative effect on the company, and by opting not to wear branded uniforms, you could miss out on the benefits.

1. Branded Uniform = Free Promotion

Many businesses spend a lot of money on advertising, but sometimes promotion can be done for free. It can be as simple as having your employees display your company logo. If their uniform is comfortable and stylish they will be proud to wear it.

Free promotion is not only achieved on the premises. When your employees are travelling to work or getting lunch they are promoting your business. Having the logo on display for the public to see will create brand recognition without anyone having to do anything.

According to a study carried out by Ashwini K. Poojary (PDF), branded clothing is the most effective marketing tool. Through research he found that people believe uniforms are more effective than tv, radio, newspaper, and even the internet.

Image shows newpaper as a type of branding

2. A Uniform Look = Team Unity

Branded uniform is a great way to create a sense of unity within the workforce. This can be most effectively seen in professional sports teams: having a uniform gives people a sense of belonging and working for each other.

Employees know that wearing their branded clothing means the world can see them. If they have a unified look they will all work together to achieve the same goals and feel more aligned to your company’s values.

When your employees wear your company logo they feel like their company trusts them. They understand they are made to feel equal and part of a group. This makes employees act in a way where they show greater passion towards their work which leads to greater success and loyalty. When they are displaying your logo, they know that they are representing the company and will have a sense of pride and responsibility.

Employees effectively become brand ambassadors when swapping their plain uniform, or no uniform at all, for one that is branded. It makes your employees more aware of how they perform. Also, it creates a sense of belonging and your staff will feel valued and trusted.

3. Bulk Orders Save Time and Money

Although branded uniforms cost money they can still be a cost-effective option. It is more cost-effective to order (say) polo shirts in bulk, meaning the more branded clothing you buy the less it will cost you in the long run.

Your employees will be pleased that they are being trusted to represent your business. Also, they will not have the added pressure of spending money on clothes and deciding what to wear. By eliminating the hassle, your employees can arrive to work on time and their productivity will increase.

4. Increased Brand Reputation

When every employee is wearing the same uniform, it represents the company as organised and professional. Your employees acting professionally in their uniform will increase the reputation of your company. If they have gone out of their way to help someone whilst wearing their branded uniform, that person will then associate that action with your business.

When employees know that they have the branding of your company on display, they are more likely to be conscious of their actions and work in line with company guidelines and expectations. Acting in a way that will only shine the company in a positive light is a huge boost for the image people associate with your company. 

5. Company Identification

Whether it is Starbucks' green aprons or Apple's blue t-shirts, big companies display their company logos proudly and they are recognisable as soon as you see them. Often, you do not even need to read what is said on the uniform because they are so instantly recognisable.

As the markets are becoming more competitive, it is important to stand out from the crowd and gain positive attention from consumers.

By having your branded uniform with your company logo on display, it gives off the impression that you are professional. You have nothing to hide. You are trustworthy and your staff are approachable experts.

Good service still needs to be given but if your uniform is a plain green shirt, it is more difficult to recognise an employee compared to one that has a green shirt with the company logo on.

Consumers develop trust in your brand this way. Once that trust has been built, they become more loyal as employees are identifiable much easier because of their uniforms. With so many hidden benefits of switching to branded clothing instead of plain, it is a consideration for you to make when planning your own uniform policy.

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When your staff display your company logo, it creates brand awareness making your logo more easily recognisable. Although it does cost money to purchase a uniform, the garments advertise your business without cutting into your advertising budget. Also, when your staff are not at work but wearing their uniform and they are helpful, this will affect your brand reputation.

When your employees wear the same uniform, it creates team unity and your staff will work together to achieve the same goals.

Ordering your uniform in bulk can save you time and money in the long run. The price of items lowers depending on how many you purchase.